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Healthy teeth surrounding a missing tooth have unique demands. The challenge is to replace your now missing tooth for both appearance and function, without harming your remaining teeth or gum tissue. The type of dental implants selected will be dependent on your requirements and general ental condition. A panoramic x-ray is usually required to evaluate your case, examine the amount of bone, determine the space available and for a thorough examination to diagnosing the options best suited for your case.
Single Tooth Dental Implant : A dental implant is a small titanium screw-like fixture
that serves as the replacement for the root portion of a missing natural tooth. The dental implant is placed in the jaw bone. After the placement, the implant
has to fuse with the bone (titanium is one of the best materials to integrate with natural bone) which can take a couple of weeks or months.
The Immediate Implant with Nobel “Speedy Groovy™” This implant has offered a solution
for not only immediately replacing your teeth. These new Dental implants provide a stable foundation for a tooth replacement that looks, feels, and functions
like your natural teeth immediately. Recently, much has been done on placing implants, loading them almost immediately, and then delivering replacement teeth
within a few DAYS!
Multiple Teeth Dental Implants : Having dental implants replacing your teeth will
give you new, unparalleled strength and stability that allows you to eat what you want. It will also preserve your jawbone and facial appearance. Restoring
naturally beautiful, confident smiles means more than just restoring teeth, it means restoring and improving your quality of life. Dental Implants allow you
to enjoy your favorite foods and have the confidence you desire for an active professional and social life.
All on 4 “Immediate Full Arch Implant” All on 4 implant is a new protocol that allows
you to leave our office with whole, permanently fixed teeth in only 7 days!! This is a custom-designed, perfect-for-you smile, using the Nobel Biocare Implant,
the best and most clinically proven system in the world. The “ALL-ON-4” implant solution has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and
allow Immediate Function. It changes what has become "traditional" thinking with regard to immediate loading for the edentulous patient.
Full Arch Permanent Fixed Porcelain Bridge Implants Before dental implants, there were no permanent solutions available for people who lost all their teeth. Today, it is possible to replace a full jaw with dental implants and a fixed bridge that results in a permanent, stable and high esthetic solution.