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LUMINEERS - Porcelain Veneers That Do Not Require
Removing Painful Tooth Structure
LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is a terrific cosmetic solution for permanently stained, chipped, discolored, misaligned teeth, or even to revitalize old crowns and bridgework.
LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is a porcelain veneer that can be made as thin as a contact lens and is placed over existing teeth without requiring painful removal of sensitive
tooth structure* (unlike traditional veneers).
LUMINEERS can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain. This revolutionary porcelain is crafted through a proprietary process unavailable anywhere other
than the Cerinate Smile Design Studios owned by Den-Mat Corporation. In just two or three visits, LUMINEERS provides a custom-made smile for your patient, clinically
proven to last up to 20 years.
* In most case
Painless, Patented, Proven