Platinum level of partnership with Astra Tech

Astra Tech is a company in the AstraZeneca Group, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Astra Tech is divided into four business areas, where Astra Tech Dental is the fastest growing. They focus in the advanced research and development in the field of implant dentistry. Their own implant system, Astra Tech Implant System™ is among the most thoroughly documented implant system on the market. It combines function, beauty and biology in perfect harmony, which is known as the Astra Tech BioManagement Complex™.

The number of implant practices that have the Platinum level of partnership with Astra Tech are very very few. Platinum partners generally have greater and more immediate access to any number of cutting edge technologies and products, compared to practices that have a lower frequency of implant surgery cases. We are one of the top dental clinics that has been trusted locally and internationally to provide Astra Tech implant system. We have the high level of experience with our implant treatment based on the highest number of the patients treated in Thailand.